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    1. moderate huanyu ?happy staff


      Guests coming from the hometown|The deputy secretary ,also the governor of Xiangyin County, Hunan Province,Li Zhenjiang visited Huayu group


      On June 23rd 2020,the deputy secretary,also the governor of Xiangyin county,Hunan province,Li Zhenjiang visited the Huayu group with the secretary and the director of the Party group of Xiangyin County Council for the promotion of international trade,Fan Wencan.The chairman of Huayu group Yi Xinhe personally received two government leaders coming from the hometown.

      On June 23rd 2020,the deputy secretary,also the governor of Xiangyin county,Hunan province,Li Zhenjiang visited the Huayu group with the secretary and the director of the Party group of Xiangyin County Council for the promotion of international trade,Fan Wencan.The chairman of Huayu group Yi Xinhe personally received two government leaders coming from the hometown.

      After the chairman Yi Xinhe expressed his welcome and thanks to the distinguished guests from afar ,the president of Huayu group, Zhao Fuxin introduced to the governor of county Li and the director Fan, the representative works of Huayu group,development scale,business strength,core competitiveness of serving customers and some achievements in cooperating with the United Front Work of the government.

      After listening to the introduction of Huayu group,the governor of county Li invited the chairman Yi Xinhe to come back to hometown to have an inspection,saying that the fabricated steel structure industry is not only the national strategy, but also the leading industry of Xiangyin County Economy in the future, which is completely consistent with the main business of Huayu;He was also looking forward to getting a chance to cooperate with Huayu group!The chairman Yi Xinhe expressed his thanks to Li for his gracious invitation and also expressed the willingness to make contributions to the construction of his hometown!

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