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    1. moderate huanyu ?happy staff


      Open up the way to advanced skill|A glimpse of training of project technical director of Huayu construction in 2020


      In order to improve the management quality of the project technical directors and enhance the management level of the three systems of the project,Huayu construction organized and carried out the training activities for the project technical directors in 2020 from July 20 to 21.

      In order to improve the management quality of the project technical directors and enhance the management level of the three systems of the project,Huayu construction organized and carried out the training activities for the project technical directors in 2020 from July 20 to 21.

      Liao Chulong,deputy general manager and chief engineer of Huayu construction, safety supervisor Zhou Lilei and engineer, Liu Xiangqi together conducted a two-day professional training for 12 technicians,constructors and technical directors of each project.

      The content of this training is abundant including opening words-current situation and objectives,position and responsibility of project technical director in the three systems and management of project construction technology and safety technology. What’s more,it still get technical points in material procurement,establishment and operation of project quality management system and inspection standard of building construction safety.The last one is guide of preparation of construction organization written by Hunan Industrial Equipment Installation Co.,LTD.Apart from these standards by the book,it also teaches you the skill of contact list and letter filling method,project visa and claim application.After this practical training,they all feel their thoughts are sorted out logically and gain a lot.

      All the time,whether the project technical director is excellent or not playing a vital role in a project.This training is a vigorous measure for internal personnel development,opening up a new way to advanced skill for ongoing technicians.It is also an important implementation of the core values of ”moderate Huayu,happy staff”.

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