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    1. moderate huanyu ?happy staff


      Huayu Heavy Industry


      On March 8, 2019, at 10:30 am the second day of the second month of the lunar calendar, the \"Red Scarf Learning House\" jointly sponsored by the Huayu Heavy Industry Party Branch of the Chinese Communist Party and the Huayu Heavy Industry Union of the Huayu Group was co-chaired by Chairman Yi Xinhe.

      On March 8, 2019, at 10:30 am the second day of the second month of the lunar calendar, the "Red Scarf Learning House" jointly sponsored by the Huazhong Heavy Industry Party Branch of the Chinese Communist Party and the Huayu Heavy Industry Union of the Huayu Group was co-chaired by Chairman Yi Xinhe. The comrades of Huayu Heavy Industry, Tian Fuhua, unveiled together. Under the joint witness of the employees of the Huayu Group, the children attending school for all the employees of the group were officially opened.

      The child is the hope of the future of the motherland and only the young generation is strong, can the country become strong. The establishment of "Red Scarf Learning House" was implemented after the Chinese Communist Party's Huayu Heavy Industry Party Branch and the Huayu Heavy Industry Trade Union Committee, which were established in September 2018 and January 2019, to effectively implement the party's organizational line and guidance in the new era. Thoughts, with "one branch, one fortress" and "serving the people" as the responsibility, We should strengthen the deepening of the branch construction, implement the various organizational work of the branch, and combine the actual needs of the employees of the group to carry out a practical result.

      The Red Scarf Learning House is located on the second floor of the office, adjacented to the front desk of the Huayu Heavy Industry Office. Built-in:

      一、Working area: study table (all customized with green materials), adjustable student chair (children's height difference);

      二、Reading area: books of all ages;

      三、Entertainment area: handicraft supplies,instruction books, puzzle cards and toys;

      四、Parents should guide the children to work independently. The person in charge is responsible for the indoor update and perfection.

      五、Follow-up with the increase of children and gradually set up counselors.

      The "Red Scarf Learning House" aims to make the children of the group's employees who are employed in different places no longer the left-behind children who lack the love of their parents in thousands of miles away. They will bring their children to the side, from work to life. Make sure that you are at ease and peace of mind when you go to work, so the children are happy and comfortable which can truly enhance the happiness of their employees. At the same time, the party branch organization at the grassroots level is built stronger and stronger. Party members (including employees) are more obedient to the organization at work. They will emotionally trust the organization, and unswervingly keep with the party forever.

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