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    1. moderate huanyu ?happy staff


      Huayu Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. officially launched


      On April 8, 2019, which was four years from the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of Huayuan Heavy Industry in Heyuanyuan Industrial Park on April 7, 2015. Huayu Heavy Industry signed the contract, built and put into production,going through all the thorns; Now we\'ve got the foothold industry, new customers and technological innovation, but still do not forget the beginning of the heart; Today our orders are full and customers trust us.The employee are filled with happiness,keeping the mission in mind.What a gorgeous change.

      On April 8, 2019, which was four years from the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of Huayuan Heavy Industry in Heyuanyuan Industrial Park on April 7, 2015. Huayu Heavy Industry signed the contract, built and put into production,going through all the thorns; Now we've got the foothold industry, new customers and technological innovation, but still do not forget the beginning of the heart; Today our orders are full and customers trust us.The employee are filled with happiness,keeping the mission in mind.What a gorgeous change.

      The major decision was based on the long-term planning and development strategy of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Heavy Industry Party Branch. It is one of the implementation plans for “stable health domain and happy employees”.

      On the signing day, Comrade Yi Xinhe, Chairman of the Huayu Group, personally attended the signing ceremony and delivered an important speech, affirming the far-reaching impact of the joint-stock operation on the development of the heavy industry in China and also put deeper expectations on the Chinese heavy industry. The words of the chairman of the board of directors have aroused the resonance of all colleagues at the meeting.

      During the signing ceremony, Comrade Yi Xinhe, Chairman of the Board of Directors, personally signed an equity agreement with each shareholder and personally issued a share certificate for each shareholder of Huayu. The sincerity of Yi Dong made the shareholders present at the scene excited.

      After the signing ceremony, all new shareholders expressed their opinions: The old employees who have been employed for more than 10 years feel that it is not easy so far and they are willing to continue creating a better future with Huayu. The young born after 1990 are full of confidence and determined to create more for the Huayu. The value of the elders recalls the past work history and warns us to cherish the current platform and seize the opportunity...

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