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    1. moderate huanyu ?happy staff

      Party building

      Party Education Training of Jinggangshan, Branch of the CPC


      In order to strengthen the normative construction of party branches, enhance the organizational strength of party organizations, and further implement the institutionalization and normalization of \"two studies and one work\".

      一、Purpose and overview

      In order to strengthen the normative construction of party branches, enhance the organizational strength of party organizations, and further implement the institutionalization and normalization of "two studies and one work", the party members firmly establish "four consciousnesses" ,strengthen "four self-confidences" and achieve " Four obediences. The party branch of the CPC Huayu Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. organized a party member and party activists to go to Jinggangshan for party education and training activities from April 13 to 14, 2019. The theme of the event was: "Re-take the revolutionary road to memorise the original heart, relive the revolutionary history to listen to heroic deeds and relive the red story to receive inherit and carry forward the party's glorious tradition and fine style."

      The party committee of the non-public economic organization of Heyuan City of the Communist Party of China participated in and gave guidance throughout the whole process; the party branch of the Ministry of Trade and Finance of the Bank of China Heyuan Branch of the Bank of China was also invited to send representatives; the total number of participants was 25.

      Education training schedule

      April 13
      06:00-12:00 Heyuan-Jinggangshan
      14:00-16:00 Paying tribute to [Beishan Martyrs Cemetery] All the staff members will present a flower basket to the revolutionary martyrs and relive the party’s oath
      16:00-17:00 Visit the [Revolution Museum]
      17:00-18:00 Visit [the old residence of Comrade Mao Zedong]

      20:00-21:00 Large-scale live performance "Jinggangshan"

      April 14
      8:30-10:00 Visit [Huang Yangjie]
      10:00-10:30 Visit [Old House Chairman Dajing Mao]
      10:30-12:30 Tour [Five Dragon Pond Waterfall Group]
      13:30-15:30  Party training
      15:30-23:50  Jinggangshan - Heyuan

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