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    1. moderate huanyu ?happy staff

      Party building

      City Federation of Industry and Commerce leaders visited the company to investigate and guide party building


      On October 21st, the Vice Chairman of the Education and Guidance Group of the City Federation of Industry and Commerce, Luo Jinzhu with Mr. Lan Yuanxiang and his team visited our company to learn about the construction of the party organization and understand the difficulties in the development of the company.

      On October 21st, the Vice Chairman of the Education and Guidance Group of the City Federation of Industry and Commerce, Luo Jinzhu with Mr. Lan Yuanxiang and his team visited our company to learn about the construction of the party organization and understand the difficulties in the development of the company.They listened to the reasonable demands of the enterprise and further implement the education work of the grassroots party branch "not forgetting the original heart and keeping the mission in mind ". Chairman of the Board of Directors, branch secretary Yi Xinhe, deputy director Bin Guyun, deputy general manager Wu Zhihong and so on welcomed the steering group and his party.

      The leader of the steering group inspected the party member activity room of the branch

      Wu Zhihong, the deputy general manager of the company, reported to the steering group the educational activities of the party building and party branch of the China National Heavy Industry Party Branch to carry out the theme of “not forgetting the original heart and keeping in mind the mission”.

      Party branch report on work

      The Huayu Heavy Industry Party Branch has formulated a party building work plan for the whole year and organized and implemented various work arrangements as planned. They organized all party members, mobile party members and party activists to go to the Red Revolutionary Base, Jinggangshan to carry out the study and training of “not forgetting the original heart and remember the mission”; They actively participate in the “Guangdong Poverty Alleviation Day” activities and “Thousands of Enterprises to Help Qiancun Village” "Work,docking to help Yangzikeng Village in Fuqianqian Town and condolencing to the old party members and the masses in the village. According to the real-time situation, they actively participate in the flood disasters in Heyua and send food materials to the affected people for  practical things.

      In accordance with the deployment of the party organizations at the higher levels, the Huayu Heavy Industry Party Branch has carried out in-depth educational and learning activities on the theme of “not forgetting the original heart and keeping in mind the mission”, educating party members to bear in mind and practice the communists’ initial intentions and missions – “to seek happiness for the Chinese people and for the Chinese nation” revival". We will resolutely implement the general requirements of "keeping the heart, taking the mission, finding the gap, and implementing it", building a party organization in the new era, educating party members to enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthening "four self-confidences", and achieving "two maintenance". Consciously, I am highly consistent with the Party Central Committee in ideological and political actions, always loyal to the party, loyal to the people, loyal to Marxism, and unremitting struggle to realize the great rejuvenation dream of the Chinese nation.

      The Huayu Heavy Industry Party Branch implemented the theme education of “not forgetting the original heart and remembering the mission”  and asked the party members to take the lead in practical action.They lead the company's employees to complete new tasks, overcome new challenges and achieve new achievements.

      Wu Zhihong, vice president of the company, accompanied the steering group to inspect the production workshop

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